Kajaani offers excellent opportunities for versatile gym training at both the City of Kajaani’s own and private companies’ gyms.
The City of Kajaani’s gyms
The Kaukavesi gym is a modern, comfortable gym with a diverse range of equipment. The accessibility of the facilities also makes it possible for special groups to train there. The gym equipment consists of safe and easy-to-use Hur devices that apply smooth air pressure technology and Precor weight stack devices. They are also suitable for more experienced users. The gym also has aerobic and wheelchair-accessible equipment.
The equipment in the gyms of Kajaanihalli and the Otanmäki Sports Centre enable excellent basic gym training.
The weightlifting gym on Vienankatu offers inexpensive public gym times for fitness enthusiasts and weightlifters. The gym is maintained by the Kajaanin Kuohu sports association.
Vienankatu 5, 87100 KajaaniOpening hours:
Monday to Sunday 06:30–21:00Price list
Product Price 1 month 18,40 €/pers. 6 months 61,20 €/pers. 12 months 122,40 €/pers. Season tickets are sold in Kajaani Info, Pohjolankatu 13, Kajaani.