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Guided school tour of the museum’s permanent exhibition

Visiting the museum

You are free to explore the Kainuu Museum independently during opening hours. You can also book a guided tour of the exhibitions for your group. We recommend dividing groups larger than 25 people. The museum staff are there to guide you alongside their other work, which means that they may not be able to guide all groups. Please request a guided tour at least three working days before your visit.

No separate fee is charged for guided tours held on weekdays between 8:00 and 16:00. Group tours organised outside opening hours are subject to a charge of €100 per visit.

Kainuu Museum offers a fascinating and inspiring learning environment for groups of children from day care and schools, as well as for groups of students. The themes presented in the museum’s permanent exhibition describe Kainuu’s history and the lives of its people, for example, through genuine artefacts and photographs. A visit to the museum can be combined either with an individual school or academic subject, or phenomenon-based learning.

We recommend teachers come and get to know the museum’s exhibition beforehand and choose suitable themes for their group. The teacher is responsible for their group also in the museum. Please inform us about your group’s visit even if you don’t need to book a guided tour.

In addition to the opening hours, groups from day care and schools and other large groups can visit the museum also on weekdays between 8:00–11:00. Please arrange such visits beforehand.

You can book a group visit and express your wishes on a guided tour by calling us at 044 710 0494 or 044 710 0506.


  • Customer parking is located on Asemakatu close to the main entrance. There is also parking for buses on Asemakatu.
  • There is a barrier-free entrance in connection with the main entrance.
  • You can call a member of staff to help you enter the building by ringing the doorbell at the entrance.
  • If needed, ramps can be set up on the stairs of the draught lobby.
  • The museum’s exhibitions can be explored using a wheelchair.
  • There is a barrier-free lift to the temporary exhibition on the upper floor.
  • Guide and assistance dogs are welcome.
  • There are lockers in the entrance lobby.
  • You can borrow a pushchair in the entrance lobby.
  • Magnifying glasses are available for loan at the ticket counter.
  • Customer toilets and a disabled toilet are located on the ground floor.

Kainuu Museum customer WC-space accessibility:

  • Door width: 90,5cm
  • Space near WC-toilet : 95cm
  • Baby changing table (foldable)
  • WC-toilet seat height: 47cm
  • Sink height adjustment: 87-60cm

A Safer Space Guidelines

Respect everyone’s personal space, both physical and mental. If necessary, demand it for yourself as well.
Face without prejudice. Listen others and take every situation as an opportunity to learn something new.
Pay attention to your choice of words and consider the diversity of people.
Respect right to self-determination. Don’t make assumptions about other people’s gender, background or realtionships for example.
Intervene in harassment if you witness it, don’t just remain an on-looker. You can ask the staff for help. Leave us feedback if our museum can do better in the future.
Don’t worry: we all make mistakes sometimes. Missteps and asking questions is allowed.