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Found total 395 contacts

  • Kainuun ammattiopisto

    Kainuu Vocational College

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

    Kainuu Vocational College

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

  • Kainuun Museo

    Kainuu Museum

    Kainuu Museum

  • Kainuun musiikkiopisto

    Kainuu Music Institute

    Kainuu Music Institute

  • Kainuun Pelastuslaitos

    Rescue Services of Kainuu

    Rescue Services of Kainuu

  • Kajaani Info

    Customer service

    Economic development services

    Group services

    Customer service

    Economic development services

    Group services

  • Kajaanihalli


    Department of Environmental Technology


    Department of Environmental Technology

  • Kajaanihallin Hallimestarit

    Reservations, property maintenance




  • Kajaanin kaupungin hankintapalvelut


    Administrative services


    Administrative services


  • Kajaanin kaupungin koulutusliikelaitos

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

  • Kajaanin kaupungin markkinointi ja viestintä


  • Kajaanin kaupungin työllisyyspalvelut


    Economic development services

    Employment services

    Economic development services

    Employment services

  • Kajaani City Hall

    Group services

    Department of Education and Culture

    Department of Environmental Technology

    Group services

    Department of Education and Culture

    Department of Environmental Technology

  • Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri - Seminaarin näyttämö

    More information

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

  • Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri - Sissilinnan näyttämö

    More information

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

  • Kajaanin kaupunginteatterin hallinto

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

    Kajaani City Theatre

    Department of Education and Culture

  • Kajaanin lukio

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

    Kajaanin lukio

    City of Kajaani’s Municipal Educational Enterprise

    Kajaanin lukio

  • Kajaanin lyseo

    Comprehensive schools

    Department of Education and Culture

    Comprehensive schools

    Department of Education and Culture

  • Kajaanin Mamselli -liikelaitos

    Kajaani Mamselli 

    Kajaani Mamselli 

  • Kajaanin pysäköinninvalvonta


    Administrative services

    Parking control

    Administrative services

    Parking control