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Information for the student

On this page you will find the information you need as a student at Kaukametsä Civic Centre.

Kaukametsä Civic Centre is located at Koskikatu 4 B.

  • Course registration for the next academic year starts in June.  You can register for any course for as long as there is space available.

    Online registration

    You can register at

    • Select the courses you wish enrol in one by one and click on ‘Register’ to add the courses to your Shopping Cart. You will then have 20 minutes to fill in the required personal information.
    • Go to the Shopping Cart page and fill in the requested information. If the course is paid for by someone other than the course participant, please also fill in the details of the payer. Otherwise, it is not necessary to do this.  Finally, click on ‘Submit registration’.
    • You will receive a course confirmation by email. Please save this as you may need the registration ID in the confirmation email if you wish to cancel your registration online, for example. Check the section ’Customer cancels the course’.

    Registration by phone

    You can register by calling tel. 044 7100 214 Mon-Wed  at 12noon-3pm (you cannot send an SMS to this number)

    Registration at the Civic Centre’s office

    You can register at the Civic Centre’s office, at Koskikatu 4 B, on Mon-Wed at 9am-11am and 12noon-3pm


    •  If you are under 18 years old, your custodian’s and/or payer’s details must also be included.
    • Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties.  The information is used to identify students and to invoice the course fees.
    • Enrolment is not possible, if the student has unpaid course fees.

    Please remember that registration is always binding – by registering you commit to pay for the course!

  • The course will start if there are enough advance registrations for the course.

    Course places are filled on a first come first served basis.  If the course is full, you can sign up for a waiting list place.  We will inform those on a waiting list in the order of registration when a place becomes available.

    You will be notified by email the day (1 day) before the course starts.  Cancellations and changes will be notified by phone and/or SMS.  At the end of the course, you will receive an email with a link for course feedback.

  • If lessons are cancelled for reasons attributable to the teacher, the student has one deductible session per semester, at own expense.
    Subsequent absences are usually compensated at the end of the course.

    Absences caused by the student are not compensated.

  • For courses lasting the whole academic year, the course fee applies for the whole academic year. The material fee is included in the course price, unless otherwise stated. By registering, you agree to pay the course fee.

    We will refund the fees if the course is not completed.
    Absence from the course does not reduce the course fee. Fees are course-specific and vary according to the organizational costs.  Furthermore, as a participant you will be responsible for purchasing your own work and course materials.

    You can pay the course fee when you register, in which case you can also use an Epassi as a means of payment. The registration system will redirect you to your online bank after registration. For some courses, online payment is not possible, e.g. due to the discount for study voucher courses.

    You can also receive a payment link to your email address on request. Please request a link at or by calling tel. 044 7100 214.  You can also find a payment link for fourteen (14) days under My registration at
    Please do not copy the account numbers from the link and pay in your own online bank. Payment must be made via the link.

    If you have not paid the course fee via the payment link, we will send you a paper invoice. The course fee will be invoiced once the course has started, based on registrations. Please note that if you have activated the OmaPosti service, the paper invoices we send you will be forwarded there. Upon receipt of a paper invoice, you can also pay the course fee at Kajaani-Info, Pohjolankatu 13. Take the invoice with you when you pay at the Info.  Paper invoices cannot be paid at the Civic Centre’s office.

    An unpaid course fee will be transferred to the Collection agency (Sarastia Kuntaperintä Oy) after the due date.

  • Sibling discount
    A sibling discount is available on the course fee for the general syllabus of basic art education for children and young people.  The discount does not apply to fees for supplies. The eldest sibling pays the full fee and the following siblings pay half the course fee.

    A sibling discount is also available for individual music tuition.  The eldest sibling pays the full fee and the following siblings obtain a twenty (20) euro discount on the course fee.

    Children under 18 living in the same household are regarded as siblings.  In order to obtain the discount, the custodian of the children must contact the Civic Centre’s office.

    Smartum sports and cultural vouchers, Edenred Virike benefit vouchers, TYKY fitness vouchers, Epassi
    When using these voucher benefits, you must pay the course fee at Kajaani Info, Pohjolankatu 13.   Take the invoice with you when you pay at the Info.

    Study voucher grants 
    The National Board of Education has granted Kaukametsä Civic centre study voucher grants. The grant is targeted at pensioners, unemployed people, immigrants, people without post-secondary education, as well as people with learning difficulties. It is granted in the form of a reduction in course fees for as long as the grant is sufficient. You can find the courses that qualify for the study voucher grants in the study guide with the red Study voucher course marking and in the online store by selecting the voucher course in the Themes search function. You can get the study voucher support once during the academic year. Study voucher courses cannot be paid for at the time of registration but will be invoiced.

    Culture for all –  Kaikukortti card
    With Kaikukortti you can use cultural services or offers from educational institutions in Kainuu, free of charge. Kaikukortti entitles the card holder to a free course.
    You can collect the card from, for example, a social services office or Outreach youth work.
    You can only use the Kaikukortti for one course. The Kaikukortti card is personal and must be presented at the office when registering. There is one (1) study place reserved for a student with a Kaikukortti on a course.
    The Kaikukortti is only valid for specific courses. You can find Kaikukortti courses in the study guide with the Kaikukortti-kurssi marking and in the online store by selecting the Kaikukortti-kurssi in the Themes search function.

  • You can cancel your place on a course up to the last day of registration.  Check the date in the course information.  After this date, we will charge a course fee for cancelled or uncancelled registration.
    If you register on a course after the last date of enrolment, the course fee is always payable without a cancellation deadline. If you have to cancel the course for health reasons, we will refund half of the course fee only with a medical certificate.

    You can make cancellations by phone on tel. 044 7100 214 or by e-mail to

    Course cancellations can be made via the confirmation message you received when you registered. Cancellations can also be made in our online shop.  Please enter your email address in the field ‘My registrations’ and press ‘Send’.  The link you receive in your email will take you to your personal details where you can cancel your registration.  However, please note the last date for registration, after which you may no longer cancel the course.
    If you have to cancel the course for health reasons, we will refund half of the course fee only with a medical certificate.

    You cannot cancel the course place with the teacher. Withdrawing from the course is not a cancellation

  • Civic Centre reserves the right to cancel a planned course, if there are not enough participants enrolling or the situation changes for some reason. We will refund already paid course fees if the course does not take place. We need an account number to refund payments.

    If the teacher is unable to give a lesson, one or more sessions may be cancelled and rescheduled for a later time.  If only one session of a course is cancelled, it will not be replaced by an additional session.

    Cancellations and changes will be notified by phone and/or SMS.

  • Students are covered by the City of Kajaani’s voluntary group accident insurance, where individual claims are low. For this reason, we recommend our students to take a personal accident insurance. The City’s insurance is valid during the teaching sessions indicated in the study programme.

  • We use Teams for distance learning.  The teacher will send a link to the participants before the start of the course.

  • The credit courses differ from normal courses in that the student has the option, if he/she so wishes, of receiving an assessment, a course credit registration and credits for the course.  By means of a course credit registration you can demonstrate your competence e.g. in work life or in other studies.  So you can also acquire and complete your missing skills in the Civic Centre’s courses.

    The description of the credit course outlines the learning objectives, and the scope and assessment of the course on a competency basis.  The courses are marked with a dice symbol.

    The credits can be exported as a study course credit to the My Studyinfo service.  The student gives his/her consent to export to the service and also has the right to withdraw his/her consent.

    The assessment of competences is optional for the student.  It is up to the student to decide whether he/she wants their competence to be assessed and receive a credit for the course.  The decision on the course credit will be taken at the start of the course.  One can also participate in courses as normal, without the completion of credits.

  • Upon request, students can obtain a certificate of their studies in the Civic Centre.

    • The certificate is issued within two weeks approximately, and is free of charge.
    • The certificate must be requested in person at the Civic Centre’s office.
    • The certificate will be sent by post or it can be collected at the Civic Centre’s office.
    • The certificate is issued, if you have actively attended the course.
    • We do not issue certificates for studies that date back more than ten years.
    • A certificate for basic art education is granted, once the entire curriculum unit has been completed.
  • At the end of the course, you will receive an email with a link for course feedback.

    You can also send course suggestions and feedback directly to the teacher or to the Civic Centre’s office at

    You may also submit your course suggestions and feedback using our feedback form


  • We organise lectures on various topics.  The lectures can be found at our online shop ( as well as in the study guide.  Follow the offers, we will update the options for lectures during the academic year.